Posts Tagged ‘family’

Some days we stumbled or fallen and lose our way. Something gets disconnected and focus gets blurry. 

It can last for a day, a week or even a month. 

We have to learn to check ourselves, refocus the laser and remember our mission and who it includes. 

We can be blind to this and just hope we have people to lift us up and dust us off. 

A solid foundation can sometimes take more than one person to rebuild. 



I always wanted to create a product line for kids like myself (when I was young)
I was always considered odd, as I was never into the things other kids were.
I wanted to be a luchador and entertainer.
I never wanted to be a fire fighter or a police officer. (Nothing against them, they are truly brave and do an amazing job)
I came from a family of entertainers and luchadores. So that was my norm.
Each project I create, I do my best to put a positive and uplifting message for the next generation of dreamers.


Learning with Lucha came about from some fond
memories of my father in his Silver Angel
mask talking to me about life lessons or
the wrestling business.
It was like getting a lecture from an
actual superhero. I transitioned it into Super
Group Go (comic book) and now for the
little ones in “Learning With Lucha”
Designed to make learning fun while sparking
the imagination.
This was done with all my
heart, soul and the memory of my father The
Silver Angel

Available on Amazon

Learning With Lucha

With just three days away from the end of our campaign. I know in my soul we can hit this goal. Despite all the things I have been told and have seen, about starting a crowdfunding campaign.
I refuse to believe that I have to be famous, part of a huge corporation or hire people to reach my goal.

After all, wasn’t Kickstarter developed to help us who are building something from nothing?

Those of us who spent every dime to create art, prototypes and endless nights of painting,clean and photographing our work, so that it maybe presentable.
Spending every waking moment to promote our work in hopes of funding. Going without all to prove that this is not a fly by night idea! This is our dreams, our reality, our oxygen.

As creatives, each thing we do is filled with our soul, our blood, our tears and our lives.

We freely give our life away to create art for ourselves and for others.

Every second, minute, hour, day, month and year of our life is poured into what many will come to admire for years to come. These are our children!

I hope all of you feel it too, this is why I can’t let this die! I ask you to please pass this project along, give what you can and prove that we stand together and support indie everything.

Give love to those who tirelessly spend every waking moment living their passion.

Parts Unknown Kickstarter

Love and Unity
Carlos (Los) Espada

Have the courage to stand tall
Have the courage to shot for the stars
Have the courage to fall down
Have the courage to believe in you 
Have the courage to avoid the negative
Have the courage to beat the odds 
Have the courage to allow the positive 
Have the courage to walk alone
Have the courage to live your dream 
Have the courage to go from one day to day one. 
Have the courage to live without regrets.

Now get yours!

Dreamers and doers

Posted: May 4, 2013 in Art, family, Life, love
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People make fun of dreamers, because they themselves are insecure. Everything that exist in this world was created by dreamers! Dreamers who become doers. No excuses or road blocks. They find a way.
Never let someone tell you how difficult your task is. If you dream and make the motions to do it.
Guess what?
You’ll never lose or live with a regret. The ones who try to knock you down while building your dreams are the first ones to knock on your door when you succeed.
LOS 73